RE: Enhancing funding and service delivery in agriculture: any ideas? | Eval Forward

In response to Kelvin comment I would like to offer my opinion as to the role of M&E. That is primary reason  for M&E is to represent the underwriting taxpayer or other funders to make certain funds invested are effectively used. To do this by default it become the representative of the beneficiaries. The secondary purpose of M&E is to guide future projects to more effectively identify and serve the needs of the beneficiaries. What it should not be used for is being a propaganda tool to deceive the funders in making what by normal standards would be complete failure appear unqualified success. Unfortunately, as best I can determine that is exactly what the USAID MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning) program appears to do. This distortion of M&E does not provide extra guidance for future projects, but entrenches failures and reinforces them into future project while doing nothing for the unfortunate beneficiaries, Please review the following webpages:…;…;

Thank you