RE: Evaluation in the Agriculture sector: what do we know about countries’ capacities? | Eval Forward

In Kenya, like other developing countries, data within the agriculture sector remains a challenge. This has constrained the RBM model where a lot of focus remains on the processes rather than moving on to outcomes. Many of the ministry's reports give a lot of prominence to the processes and targets achieved for process indicators, and use this to claim success even when independent studies have pointed to little or no progress has been achieved in outputs and outcomes of these processes. At Tegemeo Institute, we have been tracking key indicators and trends within the agriculture sector and have learned some key useful lessons. First, there is need to have a unified data system. A unified system becomes more relevant in devolved systems like Kenya's where the devolved units are semi-autonomous. Second, there is need for continuous capacity development within the systems to ensure that quality data is continuously collected, managed, analysed and shared. Third, leveraging on technology ensures to ensure that credible and quality data is collected and used to inform decisions. 

The Ministry of Agriculture should strengthen the linkages with evaluators within the public and private sectors to improve the quality of evaluations while maintaining the independence of evaluators to make assessment from the evaluation studies and recommend action to be taken to maximise impacts. In addition, identifying change agents who disrupt the BAU position is necessary to be outcome-oriented and use lessons from evaluation to design and implement impactful policies and programs