Thank you for this thought-provoking piece, Daniel! These are the kinds of questions that MEL practitioners, programme managers, and donors should be answering. Unfortunately, as aid/donor budgets shrink due to competing demands, other factors other than decades of learning appear to drive the agenda. Real change will remain a distant dream until learning becomes an integral part of programme design and implementation that considers the beneficiaries’ needs.
Sabrina Ihuoma Nwonye
Knowledge Management and Learning Lead UKNIAFThank you for this thought-provoking piece, Daniel! These are the kinds of questions that MEL practitioners, programme managers, and donors should be answering. Unfortunately, as aid/donor budgets shrink due to competing demands, other factors other than decades of learning appear to drive the agenda. Real change will remain a distant dream until learning becomes an integral part of programme design and implementation that considers the beneficiaries’ needs.