Is your farmer field school intervention transforming livelihoods?

Is your farmer field school intervention transforming livelihoods?

Is your farmer field school intervention transforming livelihoods?

A Farmer Fields School is a group of up to 25 producers that meets regularly to identify common problems and develop collective solutions to local agricultural production issues. This approach is based on proven non-formal adult education foundations that seek to empower learners/farmers to make improved agricultural decisions adapted to diverse and variable field conditions; it is currently used by more than 90 countries in Asia, Africa, the Near East, Latin America and Europe and involves every year between 400 000 and 1 million farmers. 

This webinar, organized by the FAO Global Farmers Fields School Platform in partnership with EvalForward, FAO Malawi and CARE, aimed to:  

  • Launch the MEL framework and toolkit for Farmer Fields Schools programmes 
  • Provide examples of how the MEL framework and toolkit can be used to strengthen Farmer Fields Schools interventions 
  • Explore interest of other projects and country offices in carrying out further pilots for improved MEL of FFS programmes 


  • Presentation of the MEL framework and toolkit 
  • Case study: Applying the framework for real-time MEL of FFS in Malawi
  • Panel discussion: sharing perspectives from different organisations and FAO Divisions: CARE, Inter-American Development Bank, FAO Office of Innovation and FAO Office of Evaluation
  • Upcoming activities and expressions of interest  
  • Questions & Answers 

You can access the recording with the below link and passcode: 

Passcode: iDg310J+