Linking evaluation with the Voluntary National Reviews for SDG2: The case of Uganda

Linking evaluation with the Voluntary National Reviews for SDG2: The case of Uganda

Linking evaluation with the Voluntary National Reviews for SDG2: The case of Uganda

Namalu Farmers Uganda

The upcoming Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) presentations at the next High Level Political Forum offer a valuable opportunity to showcase and discuss countries’ progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. 

This webinar focused on the experience of Uganda to also provide an overview on how to make the best use of evidence for VNR preparation and to support progress towards the 2030 Agenda, also drawing on the UNGA Resolution 77/283 on Strengthening Voluntary National Reviews through Country-led Evaluation. 


  • Opening remarks -  Sarah Longford, Deputy director WFP Office of Evaluation 
  • Uganda’s Voluntary National Review 2024: progress in use of evidence, challenges and lessons, focus on SDG - Pascal Byarugaba, Monitoring and Program Specialist and coordinator in charge of VNRs, Office of the Prime Minister Uganda, Uganda
  • Food systems, multisectoral governance and partnerships for accelerating SDG2 - Gertrude B. Namayanja, Principal Policy Analyst at the Office, OPM
  • Mandate and support provided for VNRs - Sarina Abdysheva, FAO Office of the Sustainable Development Goals, Italy
  • Regional experiences of integrating SDG evaluations and VNR reporting, drawing from the discussion paper on VNRs and SDG evaluations in Anglophone Africa - Dirk Hoffman, Evaluator, Deval, Germany 
  • Concluding remarks and next steps -  Fredrick Edward Walugembe, Commissioner, Strategic Coordination and Implementation at the Office of the Prime Minister in Uganda

The webinar was facilitated by Sarah Farina, EvalPartners UN Resolution taskforce lead.