Marta [user:field_middlename] Bruno

Marta Bruno

Evaluation Officer

I work in the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in the Office of Evaluations. I coordinate FAO’s portfolio of resilience and humanitarian evaluations and the management/supervision of the resilience evaluations team. I also work as evaluation manager and/or team leader for major resilience evaluations including strategic, country, project and joint evaluations. I am the FAO focal point in the IASC Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations Steering Group. I also have experience in research and field-work, including agriculture and food security, sustainable livelihoods, disaster risk management, community development, rural development, gender analysis, labour markets, social safety nets, institutional reform, civil society. I have also a passion for training and facilitation in institutional and NGO capacity building and community participation, sustainable livelihoods, disaster risk management and organizational change