Harvey [user:field_middlename] Garcia

Harvey Garcia

Senior Evaluation Specialist
United Nations Development Programme, Independent Evaluation Office
United States of America

Harvey John Garcia has more than 19 years of experience in agricultural and biodiversity research, project implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. (Opinions on issues are my own and do not reflect my organization).

My contributions

    • Hi Colleagues,

      Very interesting topic.  I feel that visual tools in the evaluation practice are underutilized and are mostly an afterthought after the evaluation report has been produced, which should not be the case. Well, I think now there are renewed interest in using data visualization to communicate not only evaluation results but also the process. Visualization is also now being used to plan, gather and add another layer of evidence in an evaluation. I remember when I was in FAO OED, we used Social Network Analysis (SNA) as a visualization tool to identify and prioritize stakeholders for Key Informant Interviews and also to assess the positioning of FAO https://www.fao.org/3/i8564en/I8564EN.pdf. In UNDP IEO, we also started using SNA for countries with Humanitarian Crisis situations since there is limited access and time in the field to conduct evaluations related activities.

      GIS is also a form of visual tool. Its use in evaluation is rather limited and mostly seen in project evaluations and some thematic evaluations (mostly related to forestry and infrastructure). In multi-themed programme evaluation (i.e., country programme evaluation), its application has not been fully maximized. In UNDP IEO, we have started mainstreaming use of GIS as a data visualization tool to plan evaluations, contribute as evidence, and communicate our findings to the stakeholders. Our latest Independent Country Programme in Cambodia highlights the use of GIS. We actually published our experience in the first edition of the Asia Pacific Evaluation Journal. Here is the link to the article:


      Harvey John D. Garcia, Senior Evaluation Specialist

      Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP

  • The paper is in the 155th issue of New Directions for Evaluation – “Pedagogy of Evaluation” edited by Michael Quinn Patton, the articles here highlight the contribution of Brazilian Paulo Freire in the field of education and evaluation. I was not familiar with the work of Freire, much less his famous book Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970/2000). The articles in this issue really enticed me to look it up.  It also gave me a bird's-eye viewand whetted my appetite for Freire’s work.

    This article gave me a chance to reflect on how we, as evaluation practitioners engage the contributors