Hadi [user:field_middlename] Khalil

Hadi Khalil

Operation Associate

My contributions

    • Greeting everyone, 

      Very good and interesting topic. My master thesis was about the role of urban agriculture in Gaza strip.

      Women have the ability to convert agricultural products into food and nutritional security and they are primarily responsible for taking care and feeding of the family (Slater, 2001). And according to World Bank (2006), food processing and production within and around cities participate in supplying the urban poor with safe, affordable, and reliable food and at the same time improve income generation and create more jobs to a large number of women.

      Moreover, Urban agriculture is taking place close to home, making it more suitable for women as they do not need to leave their children or their household burdens to go far for the farms. According to (Korongo, 1999), women are an important category of economic and social actors who facilitate the role of the family in human survival in their various multiple roles. And therefore seemingly the present economic hardships in Gaza strip force women to accept this responsibility, whether or not there is a cultural obligation for women's productive role.

      In my thesis, it was found in my study area that 78.3 percent of the respondents believe that household woman plays an important role in urban agriculture activities, while only 21.7 percent suggest that the women are not involved in UA activates. 

      All the best,
