Decline, Mutation Or Metamorphosis? Prospects For Indigenous Evaluation
The purpose of this gLOCAL2023 presentation, organized by EvalForward and EvalIndigenous, is to advocate the need for Indigenous Evaluation to be an essential building block in developing national M&E systems and discrete evaluations; that is, as opposed to just ensuring donor-led and financed M&E are culturally appropriate and involve local, not necessarily indigenous, evaluators.
The session is divided in two parts:
- A key note on Indigenous Evaluation and the work of EvalIndigenous by John Njovu;
- A panel discussion facilitated by Daniel Ticehurst on how well and to what extent are National Evaluation Systems and the "Made in Africa" Initiative are integrating the views, beliefs and practices of Indigenous evaluators.
Background for this session include the following documents:
- 10 Questions indigenous communities should ask evaluators
- Indigenous African Ethical Protocol for Evaluations.
Webinar recording below. Please note that the recording starts a few seconds into John Njovu's key note.