Teuku Bahran [user:field_middlename] Basyiran

Teuku Bahran Basyiran

MRM Manager

The capability consists of data analysis (quantitatively and qualitatively), secondary analyses, data quality assurance, measurements (KPIs, program activity monitoring & evaluation, etc.), research (desk and rigorous), partner-and-donor reporting, and other analytical tasks.

Software used for analysis are RStudio, STATA (or other statistical tools), Microsoft Offices, Visio, Power BI, Publisher, Gephi and a basic use of SQL query.
There are also interaction with farmers through field visits, field officer, partners (private sectors, international organizations, worldwide universities), donors, banks, and governments.

Working scopes are sustainable development, agroforestry, agricultural economics, economic development, commodity supply chain (cocoa, coffee, spices), gender mainstreaming, and monitoring & evaluation (or MRM).

Graduated from Master in Economics at the University of Tübingen, Germany studied a thesis about Human Capital Development in Southeast Asia during 1000-1950 using the big data of monarchs which ruled the past civilization.