I am an enthusiast and young professional in development evaluation who is now exploring global career opportunities to contribute more and make a real difference for the world through different kinds of evaluation tasks. I have been working in the development evaluation arena for more than 18 years with many bilateral/multilateral organizations with 41 large, complex, and strategic programs/projects with various positions from leadership, managerial, to a technical specialist in both long and short-term engagement in Indonesia. I hold B. Econ (SE) from the Univ. of Jember-Indonesia; Master of Econ in Public Policy (ME) from the Univ. of Indonesia; Advanced Master (M.Sc) in Development Evaluation and Management from the Univ. of Antwerp Belgium; alumni of IPDET - the Univ. of Carleton-Canada Class of 2015, completed many international evaluation training/courses and attended many international evaluation conferences.
Further to the above, I am the founder of MONEV Studio, the first evaluation edutech start-up to promote inclusive literacy and better practices through digital M&E ecosystem MONEV 4.O; the Co-founder of Indonesian Development Evaluation Community (InDEC); Initiating members and Board Directors of Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA) 2017-2019; Management Members of EvalGender-EvalPartners 2017-2019; the global partner for the Eval4Action international campaign to promote influential evaluation around the world since 2020; and currently a member of the EvalIndigenous-EvalPartners global.
With evaluation professional experiences, academic credentials, and organization leadership above, I am capable to conduct monitoring, tracking, and supervision; process, and impact evaluation using formative and summative approaches from the qualitative lens. I am skillful to manage, conducting, using, and ensuring the enabling environment of a program or policy evaluation for large/national scale and complex programs. The skill-set, in particular, includes the capacity to conduct Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) needs assessment, develop program theory/ theory of change as the basis for development planning and problem-solving, as well as to address program complexity with relevant analytical thinking.
I am familiar with OECD-DAC evaluation standards and proficient in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the development implementation by looking at different paradigms and the role of external actors in various contexts/sectors. I attain a good understanding of planning, implementation, and the M&E of development policies and programs in Indonesia. I am capable to analyze the interaction between national institutions, local politics, and external actors, nominating and establishing good champions for M&E both at national/local levels, helping the government to draft programmatic framework, institutionalizing/setting up the national M&E system and instrument; M&E capacity building from basic, intermediate, to advanced level; and to manage M&E implementation at policy, program, project, and community level. I have worked with programs managed by Rikolto, CIFOR, HIV Research Center-Atma Jaya University, Ministry of Agriculture-IFAD, UNFPA, IEG World Bank, RTI International, the World Bank, JICA, Ecol GBR, BAPPENAS/ Ministry of Development Planning, ADB, Mercy Corps, LTS International, Cardno International, GRM International/ Palladium, GIZ, UNDP, DFAT/AusAID, The Coca Cola Foundation, UNICEF, Faculty of the Public Health University of Indonesia, Democratic Republic of Timor Leste, CIDA-Hikling International, and the Parliamentarian Office (DPR RI). Those works lie in the area of agriculture, land-use, and forestry; environment and climate change; disasters and emergency preparedness/responses; peacebuilding, human rights issues, and conflict management; social policy and poverty eradication; community empowerment; creative economy and SME; Information, communication, and technology; education policy; public financial management; decentralization and regional development, nutrition and early childhood development policy, Gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI), HIV and AIDS policy
Umi Hanik
Founder/ Acting CEO MONEV StudioEstimados miembros,
Comparto con ustedes nuestro trabajo reciente: módulos de capacitación sobre inclusión de la discapacidad en las actividades de seguimiento y evaluación (SyE) de las Naciones Unidas. Este
módulo ha sido elaborado por MONEV Studio y el Grupo de Washington sobre Estadísticas de la Discapacidad. Y se ha impartido a todo el personal/puntos focales de SyE de Naciones
Unidas en Indonesia en diciembre de 2022. Disfruten de la lectura https://indonesia.un.org/en/234468-training-modules-capacity-building-d…; .
Un cordial saludo,
Umi Hanik