Evelyn Naome Mpagi

Evelyn Naome Mpagi


I am a user of Evaluation evidence in decision making from the legislative arm of Government- Uganda.
I lead a network of Parliamentarians from the African continent. I am an ardent advocate of evaluation

My contributions

    • Members IAM happy to share this topic especially from Africa, with an average of about 65%of the population being youth and apparently almost 50%of those being unemployed. Africa is predominantly Agricultural but the unemployed youth do not own land for the same. Moreso the mindset of these youth is negative to agriculture. There is need to categorise the youth into educated youth,who apparently think agriculture is for the uneducated , and the rural youth who apparently lack the inputs to engage in agriculture but are willing to take it up, the urban uneducated youth etc. 

      We also need to involve the political power centres who use the youth for political gains instead of engaging them in meaningful agricultural activities