Daniel William Mgalla

Daniel William Mgalla

Data, Monitoring , Evaluation and Impact Assessment Manager
République-Unie de Tanzanie

Daniel Mgalla, a Tanzanian Citizen, is the Data, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager at IITA(East and Southern Africa). He has in-depth experience in leading the development, implementation and institutionalization of monitoring, evaluation and learning (ME&L) systems at international program and project levels. He has worked under various program settings such as Nutrition, child labour, HIV/AIDS, Education, health systems strengthening, agricultural research performance management, results-based management, theory of change, ME&L, impact assessment and web-based management information systems (MIS). He holds a Masters Degree in Monitoring & Evaluation with specialization in M&E systems design for various program settings, ICT4D from The Open University of Tanzania. He has over 9 years working experience in several organizations both in developed and developing countries as an International M&E Specialist, Data Manager. In the course of which he worked with international organizations such as International Rescue Commitee, John Snow Inc, Catholic Relief Services. He has Led Major research studies in Tanzania and other countries mainly leading ICT4D section, Data analysis, research report writing and findings dissemination over the last 6 years. Recently, he was the founder and Director of Gangamala Trading & Consulting Group in Tanzania.