Thanks to those who contributed to the discussion on the use of synthesis and meta-analysis in development evaluation. The exchange supported my preparation for the What Works Global Summit 2019 (, where synthesis and meta-analyses are discussed as tools for designing, implementing and assessing programmes and policies. A synthesis is the integration of existing knowledge and findings relevant to a topic, and has as its main objective to increase the applicability of evaluation findings and develop new knowledge through the integration process. It is promoted as an approach that addresses the challenge of "information overload", delivering products that distil relevant evidence for decision-making.
Here are the main issues shared by participants:
Synthesis work needs to be focused and pragmatic in order to attain its goal.
Evaluation documents needs to be easily available, and the researchers need to interact with key stakeholders throughout the preparation process.
Meta-analyses of evaluations allows the identification of structural themes that affect performance, which is of interest to donors and programme managers.
A more holistic approach is required to enhance the engagement and outreach of the learning, i.e. by organizing dedicated workshops to discuss the findings of the evaluation synthesis.
Meta-analysis can provide very valuable insights on the performance of a programme or approach, and guide primary data collection. It can however be very time-consuming and thus not always feasible to undertake within the timeframe of an evaluation.
Meta-analysis can be an important tool for decision-makers but is not well known among evaluators. More training on its usage could help broadening awareness and application of the approach.
Taking on this last point, EvalForward will organize a webinar soon for members interested in learning more on synthesis and meta-analysis. Stay tuned!
RE: Using synthesis and meta-analysis to make the most of evaluative evidence: what is your experience?
Dear Members,
Thanks to those who contributed to the discussion on the use of synthesis and meta-analysis in development evaluation. The exchange supported my preparation for the What Works Global Summit 2019 (, where synthesis and meta-analyses are discussed as tools for designing, implementing and assessing programmes and policies. A synthesis is the integration of existing knowledge and findings relevant to a topic, and has as its main objective to increase the applicability of evaluation findings and develop new knowledge through the integration process. It is promoted as an approach that addresses the challenge of "information overload", delivering products that distil relevant evidence for decision-making.
Here are the main issues shared by participants:
Taking on this last point, EvalForward will organize a webinar soon for members interested in learning more on synthesis and meta-analysis. Stay tuned!