Thanks for initiating this useful discussion. I want to share experiences from our organisation on how we have navigated some of the points you raised.
To minimise the time burden on respondents, we try to be strict during questionnaire development. This generates some payback that all the questions we ask relate to some indicator that we will analyse. It also helps us remove some useful and desirable questions to only relevant questions without which our assessment would not be complete.
We have found engaging farmers to tell their stories as we present our findings very useful. It also helps ground-truth our findings. in addition, they can enumerate lessons learnt during the assessment.
For us at Tegemeo Institute, we try and have forums with farmers where we discuss our findings and how they can use the findings for their benefit. in addition, we have found the use of infographics handy with farmers as utilising local information networks to disseminate information. Furthermore, when we have compared farmers, we have found their approaches to make comparisons and deductions quite informative. I definitely recommend participatory approaches.
RE: Making data collection meaningful and useful to farmers: what is your experience?
Dear David,
Thanks for initiating this useful discussion. I want to share experiences from our organisation on how we have navigated some of the points you raised.
To minimise the time burden on respondents, we try to be strict during questionnaire development. This generates some payback that all the questions we ask relate to some indicator that we will analyse. It also helps us remove some useful and desirable questions to only relevant questions without which our assessment would not be complete.
We have found engaging farmers to tell their stories as we present our findings very useful. It also helps ground-truth our findings. in addition, they can enumerate lessons learnt during the assessment.
For us at Tegemeo Institute, we try and have forums with farmers where we discuss our findings and how they can use the findings for their benefit. in addition, we have found the use of infographics handy with farmers as utilising local information networks to disseminate information. Furthermore, when we have compared farmers, we have found their approaches to make comparisons and deductions quite informative. I definitely recommend participatory approaches.