Thank you for this thought-provoking piece, Daniel! These are the kinds of questions that MEL practitioners, programme managers, and donors should be answering. Unfortunately, as aid/donor budgets shrink due to competing demands, other factors other than decades of learning appear to drive the agenda. Real change will remain a distant dream until learning becomes an integral part of programme design and implementation that considers the beneficiaries’ needs.
RE: “Here we go again” - A lack of learning in the monitoring and evaluation of agriculture projects
Thank you for this thought-provoking piece, Daniel! These are the kinds of questions that MEL practitioners, programme managers, and donors should be answering. Unfortunately, as aid/donor budgets shrink due to competing demands, other factors other than decades of learning appear to drive the agenda. Real change will remain a distant dream until learning becomes an integral part of programme design and implementation that considers the beneficiaries’ needs.