Chris’s point that it would be an eminently sound idea to formulate in broad strokes, what ought to be undertaken after 2030 is well taken.
However, such an undertaking would be useful if and only if we have a reasonably clear notion of what has been done and not done with reference to the current set of SDG’s in spite of their lack of logical cohesion. Here, it is difficult to see how such knowledge may be acquired without evaluation.
Once this knowledge is at hand, we may hope that the next set of post 2030 development goals would be formulated in a way that is going to embody a greater logical cohesion with reference to the six fundamental human needs within people’s own cultural norms.
Knowledge of those fundamental needs are self-evident, hence jargon-free viz., nutrition with culinary enjoyment – after all, we are not yet akin to machines that just need fuel – good health, security in its broadest sense, education in its jutifiable sense, procreation and what may be called non-material goal which embraces aesthetic enjoyment, games and sports one takes part in, various other forms of entertainment. This is non-material for its satisfaction does not entail any material gain.
Most of the current SDG’s are subsumable under our fundamental needs since the former gain a value as a direct or an indirect means of enabling us to attain some fundamental need; hence they are secondary or tertiery needs constituting an interconnected hierarchical network of human needs whose ramifications reflect a society’s current state of development. This development may or may not be justifiable, for instance, promotion of rampant consumerism to achieve economic growth.
RE: How are we progressing in SDG evaluation?
Chris’s point that it would be an eminently sound idea to formulate in broad strokes, what ought to be undertaken after 2030 is well taken.
However, such an undertaking would be useful if and only if we have a reasonably clear notion of what has been done and not done with reference to the current set of SDG’s in spite of their lack of logical cohesion. Here, it is difficult to see how such knowledge may be acquired without evaluation.
Once this knowledge is at hand, we may hope that the next set of post 2030 development goals would be formulated in a way that is going to embody a greater logical cohesion with reference to the six fundamental human needs within people’s own cultural norms.
Knowledge of those fundamental needs are self-evident, hence jargon-free viz., nutrition with culinary enjoyment – after all, we are not yet akin to machines that just need fuel – good health, security in its broadest sense, education in its jutifiable sense, procreation and what may be called non-material goal which embraces aesthetic enjoyment, games and sports one takes part in, various other forms of entertainment. This is non-material for its satisfaction does not entail any material gain.
Most of the current SDG’s are subsumable under our fundamental needs since the former gain a value as a direct or an indirect means of enabling us to attain some fundamental need; hence they are secondary or tertiery needs constituting an interconnected hierarchical network of human needs whose ramifications reflect a society’s current state of development. This development may or may not be justifiable, for instance, promotion of rampant consumerism to achieve economic growth.