RE: Reporting evaluation results or communicating evaluation results? | Eval Forward

Dear members,

This is an interesting discussion!

Reporting is part of communication and a report is one of the communication tools. Ideally,  every project,  program, or intervention should have a clear communication plan informed by a stakeholder analysis ( ...that clearly identifies roles, influence, and management strategy). A specific communication plan for evaluations can also be developed. A communication plan typically has activity and budget lines and responsibilities and should be part of the overall project,  program,  or intervention budget. It may not be practical for the evaluator to assume all responsibilities in the evaluation communication plan but can take up some, particularly the primary ones since communication may be a long haul thing especially if it is targeting policy influence or behaviour change, and, as we all know,  evaluators are normally constrained by time. Secondary evaluation communication can be handled by the evaluation managers and commissioners with the technical support of communication partners.

My take. 
