Glenda [user:field_middlename] Raven

Glenda Raven

Company Director / Primary and Lead Consultant
Learning for Change (Pty) Ltd.
South Africa

Learning for Change, a South African consulting company, has a vision of an equal and just world, in which everyone has sufficient, and our natural world is secured. It pursues this vision through supporting reflexive learning for transformed practices through evaluation, research, coaching and training. 

As the Company Director and Primary / Lead Consultant my experience in environmental learning and development spans 35 years across formal, informal and non-formal contexts. Starting my career as a high school teacher in the economic and management sciences, my involvement with the school’s environment club sparked my interest in the environment and supporting active learning for socio-ecological change. 

My Master of Education degree in 1995 introduced me to environmental education as engaging processes of social action and change as South Africa transitioned into a new democracy.  During this exciting time of change, I was privileged to support educational transformation through my work across all levels of education, training and development with a focus on curriculum and professional development in the formal and informal contexts of learning. 

I further pursued my interest in environmental learning as a catalyst for social change, through a doctoral degree with Rhodes University focusing on social learning processes, in multiple and varied contexts, including formal learning, informal environmental learning for corporate sustainability and community-based learning for environmental action and change, that enable the development of reflexivity and reflexive competence and action. 

Evaluation, learning and change has always been central to my academic studies and work throughout my career.  Through these social processes, my career mission is to continue supporting reflexive learning and development, with and for individuals, groups, communities and organisations to collectively explore improved, strengthened, new and innovative responses to the multiple socio-ecological challenges and risks of our modern day, towards an equal and just world, in which everyone has sufficient to secure livelihoods and wellbeing, and our natural world is secured.