RE: The pervasive power of western evaluation culture: how and in what ways do you wrestle with ensuring evaluation is culturally appropriate and beneficial to those who legitimise development aid? | Eval Forward
USAID’s Agency Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning (KMOL) function in the Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning, Office of Learning, Evaluation and Research (PPL/LER) facilitated conversations with development practitioners to learn how development organizations are integrating local knowledge into their programs. The report explores three aspects of this topic: Leveraging Best Practices, Addressing Challenges, and Achieving Best Outcomes.
RE: The pervasive power of western evaluation culture: how and in what ways do you wrestle with ensuring evaluation is culturally appropriate and beneficial to those who legitimise development aid?
again I am not really adding here a practical lesson, sorry...
but I just found quoted this recent paper by USAID, which might be of interest to the people following this thread.
USAID’s Agency Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning (KMOL) function in the Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning, Office of Learning, Evaluation and Research (PPL/LER) facilitated conversations with development practitioners to learn how development organizations are integrating local knowledge into their programs. The report explores three aspects of this topic: Leveraging Best Practices, Addressing Challenges, and Achieving Best Outcomes.