RE: Can visual tools help evaluators communicate and engage better? | Eval Forward

There are many positive outcomes of utilization of visual tools

The most crucial elements are: 

  1. Visualisation of data. In terms of qualitative data collection using data collection procedures. 
  2. Evidence-based visuals to present findings. In terms of concrete activity and output, as well as consequence and impact. For example, the impact of a pandemic or specific disease control in agricultural and health sectors, or peace building efforts.  
  3. Diagrams, plagiarism detection, feedback and peer assessment, surveys (TV, Social Media, and Key Informant interviews recording), and classroom polls in terms of education.
  4. Visual report - Results - Positive and negative. For example, most JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) reports combine with pictorials. 
  5. They also provide users with flexibility and diversity by letting them to select from a wide range of graphic elements, formats, and styles and alter them to their tastes and goals.


Challenges are: Online surveys need data accountability and identification of the surveyor and surveyee.