RE: Can visual tools help evaluators communicate and engage better? | Eval Forward

Thanks for this kick-off Harriet and welcomed the links to other materials. 

Maybe I am a different genterationgiven I was weaned on visualisation and use of multimedia throughout the project cycle to build inclusion and participation. 

Fundamentals remain - how many times are learning surveys undertaken? We are making recommendations presently to look at the use of learning learning styles inside an organisation - take this further and look at the different stakeholders and how they return. My own internal challenges came with our daughter going to an Aga Khan School where we, as parents, had to look at how we communicated and learned and whether we 'imposed' learning approaches not fitting to the default, natural, style of children. 

This is true of how we continue to send points without setting up the feedback loops. Look at the styles of learning, individually and within the community (practice or socially) then build the style of communication able to offer impact. Goes further than either or plain text - did you see the yellow chicken coming? - or visualisation to sense out and gain the feel to how we look, see, speak, listen and sense and feel what we want to send and receive. 

Looking forward to reading further, hearing more as gain the feel this will sponsor further thinking and action
