If you have commissioned or participated in an evaluability assessment or used evaluability assessment results when managing evaluations, please share your insights and reflections.
Balancing diverse stakeholder needs and ensuring actionable recommendations are crucial to foster inclusive and effective evaluations. How do you navigate between different interests, cultural differences and political pressure?
MEL – Monitoring Evaluation and Learning or MEAL - Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning systems rarely include cross cutting issues such as gender and leave-no-one behind principles. How can we develop effective and inclusive systems and what are the constraints in doing so?
As an evaluator, several times I got a task to perform a review of the Theory of Change / Intervention logic. I was wondering if you have some experiences to share in this respect.
Evaluating the quality of science, technology and innovation requires appropriate criteria and methodologies: what do you think are the challenges, the methods and indicators that could work?
You are invited to share experiences and ideas on how to integrate environmental and social considerations in evaluation and what are the challenges in doing so.
This discussion invites you to share methods, approaches, tools, and techniques that can be used to develop and present findings in ways that are useful for the intended users of the evaluation, and support them to make use of them.
This discussion invites to share experiences and good practices in reducing the burden of M&E activities on farmers on the one hand and on ways to ensure that results are useful and meaningful.
With the Covid pandemic, more of the evaluation load has shifted to local specialists. What is the experience and what are the success stories from this change?