European Evaluation Society Biennial Conference: Evaluation in an Uncertain World - Complexity, Legitimacy and Ethics

European Evaluation Society Biennial Conference: Evaluation in an Uncertain World - Complexity, Legitimacy and Ethics


“Evaluation in an Uncertain World - Complexity, Legitimacy and Ethics” will be the leading theme of the EES 2020 biennial conference. The Conference will provide for a variety of classical and innovative formats to exchange ideas on this theme: keynotes, papers, panel and poster sessions will co-exist with fishbowls, speed networking, think tank sessions or games. The overall format of the Conference is similar to previous ones: two days of professional development workshops and three days of main conference.

The Conference will be organised along four strands:

  • Theme 1: The Anthropocene and its complex problems: The role of evaluation
  • Theme 2: Adapting the toolbox: Methodological challenges
  • Theme 3: Propelling and provoking the agenda: The role and responsibility of evaluators  
  • Theme 4: Greasing the wheels of evaluation: the role of evaluators, evaluation commissioners/ evaluator funders (donors) in ensuring that knowledge changes practice

The conference has been postponed, please refer to the official website for updates: