European Evaluation Society Conference

European Evaluation Society Conference

Rimini, Italy

The next EES Conference will be held in Rimini (Italy) from 23 to 27 September 2024, around the theme Better Together 2024: Collaborative Thought and Action for Better Evaluation. 

The Conference will have three Strands Focused on Collaboration in Evaluation: 

  • Collaborative Action: This strand brings together the distinct perspectives of evaluation commissioners, evaluated parties, evaluation users, and evaluators to understand linkages in their experiences with a common issue or subject. Sessions will provide a space to articulate how different evaluation actors have uniquely different vantage points when faced with the same problem, process, or product.
  • Collaborative Thinking: This strand centers on integrating methodology with theoretical, socio-political, philosophical, and ethical considerations to address real-world issues. Sessions will examine how distinct worldviews and ethical concerns can shape methodological approaches to problem-solving. The goal is to advance understanding of how philosophical frameworks informs methodological choices.
  • Collaborative Practice: This strand focuses on intersectoral collaboration engaging experts across fields to solve complex societal problems like climate change, inequality, and health. Sessions will identify how diverse sectors can work together to evaluate and address shared goals for transformative change.

For more information and to register for the Conference visit the EES webpage


Conference banner with image of Rimini