QoR4D to Strengthen Institutional Innovation

QoR4D to Strengthen Institutional Innovation


The event Quality of Research for Development (QoR4D) to Strengthen Institutional Innovation will explore how ‘"quality" for agricultural research for development framework can help strengthen different levels of institutional innovations as it supports good governance in CGIAR and  Agriculture Research for Development (AR4D) organizations.

Building on the EvalForward discussion led by the evaluation offices of CGIAR and FAO on How to evaluate science, technology and innovation in a development context?, the event will focus on exploration of the criteria which constitute QoR4D.

Discussion will be premised by the notion that the QoR4D criteria should extend beyond conventional output or impact metrics like citations, to include:
🔹 relevance
🔹 scientific credibility
🔹 legitimacy (including local acceptance)
🔹 effectiveness

Experiences with evaluating quality of science and the way forward using the above criteria, would provide a sneak preview of the soon-to-be launched “Evaluators' Guide: Applying the CGIAR Quality of Research for Development Framework to Process & Performance Evaluation”. 

Participation is free and the event is scheduled for Thursday 13 October 2022, 14:00-15:30 (CEST).

Register here
