Kevan Moll is an international disability and development consultant who has previously worked for both disability focused organisations and mainstream international NGOs seeking to become more disability inclusive in Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Mexico and the UK over 25 years. Working with a disability rights NGO to support the international disability movement in partnership with national and community level structures, Kevan has worked with many Organisations of People with Disabilities and individual disability advocates. He has undertaken numerous independent consultancies - including reviews, evaluations, research and analysis studies, disability equality and inclusion training for a range of organisations. He has a Masters’ in International Development from the University of Bath (UK). A disabled person himself, Kevan has worked as an independent consultant since 2019.
Kevan [user:field_middlename] Moll

Kevan Moll
Independent Consultant
United Kingdom
My contributions
Leaving no one behind: Meaningful inclusion of persons with disabilities in evaluations
BlogEven in countries where information is more easily accessible, evaluators may need to be more creative about who they contact, and how they adapt traditional evaluation methods to be more inclusive.
In response to the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy, the Office of Evaluation of the World Food Programme recently developed specific guidance on how to address disability inclusion in evaluation practice and organised an EvalXchange session which prompted a rich discussion on disability inclusion in evaluation.
One of the panellists, disability inclusion consultant, Kevan Moll, shared some practical tips on how evaluations can be more inclusive of persons
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Kevan Moll
Independent Consultant