Independent Review of EvalForward Community of Practice

Independent Review of EvalForward Community of Practice

EvalForward was developed with the purpose to Improve national capacities in conducting or using evaluations related to agriculture, rural development and food security through the establishment of an international network (built around an interactive online platform) open to evaluators, development practitioners, policymakers and researchers across national institutions to share evaluative information and knowledge on food security-related interventions (EvalForward 2018 Strategy).

After four years of operation of the Community of Practice, the Independent Review aimed to evaluate its appropriateness and usefulness for its members, draw lessons, and identify areas where adaption is needed to improve results.

Download the Review here
Download the Briefing Note here

Annex 1. Terms of reference

Annex 2. Inception note

Annex 3. Member survey evidence

Annex 4. Online platforms evidence

Annex 5. Change stories

Annex 6. Implicit theory of change

Annex 7. Findings by evaluation question

Annex 8. Website functionality options

Annex 9. Note of validation workshop

Annex 10. Matrix of feedback from steering group and changes to report

Annex 11. EvalForward member locations and quantities

Annex 12. EvalForward activity 2018–2022