The UN Food Systems Pre-Summit 2021: Evidence pathways to gender equality and food systems transformation

The UN Food Systems Pre-Summit 2021: Evidence pathways to gender equality and food systems transformation

The UN Food Systems Pre-Summit 2021: Evidence pathways to gender equality and food systems transformation

WFP Badre Bahaji

FSS Pre-SummitGender equality and women’s empowerment are high on the international political agenda, but progress has often faltered on the evidence needed to deliver viable solutions.

To address that gap, this event features the launch of a new paper, presenting 9 critical lessons from 47 independent evaluations as the basis for food systems solutions, actions and transformation.

 Independent evaluations present credible evidence on what works, what doesn’t and why. The findings and lessons learned from evaluations cut across multiple SDGs; they are crucial for decision-making, and critical to informing the final outcome of the Food Systems Summit. 

Presented evidence and discussions will underscore the importance of addressing the root causes of gender inequality and women’s powerlessness, in particular their exclusion from access to resources and their limited social capital in food systems. In this context discussions will also highlight the need for greater policy engagement on gender equality – a critical element to support transformative change in food systems.

The session will make the case for development interventions aiming to break traditional gender roles and stereotypes, alongside strategies for social mobilization and leadership on those issues at the policy level.

27 July from 7:30 to 8:20pm Rome time. 


Welcome and introduction by Mr Indran Naidoo, Director of Evaluation, IFAD

Presentation of the paper: Evidence pathways to gender equality and food systems transformation by Ms Julia Betts, Independent evaluation specialist

Facilitated discussion by Ms Allison Smith, Director of CGIAR Advisory Services

Including featured speakers: 

  • H.E. Ms Alexandra Bugailiskis, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to FAO, WFP and IFAD 
  • Ms Jette Michelsen, Deputy Permanent Representative of Denmark to FAO, WFP and IFAD 
  • H.E Ms. Céline Jurgensen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations in Rome 
  • Ms María de los Ángeles Gomez Aguilar, Alternate Representative of Mexico to FAO, WFP and IFAD 
  • Ms Saadya Hamdani, Director of Gender and inclusion at Plan international, Canada
  • Ms Maureen Munjua, Country Representative, Tanager, Kenya
  • Mr Béla Teeken, Associate Gender Scientist at IITA, CGIAR, Nigeria 

Concluding remarks by Ms Andrea Cook, Director of Evaluation, WFP